
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

All sick

We are all sick. Emily and Sophie started on the weekend, Tina followed and one will see when it fully hits me.

Sophie got an infection of the middle ear and is really poor. However, they all will need to be healthy again until Thursday when Nonna and Opa are coming.

We also bought our tickets for Christmas. The prices are ridiculously low. Emily's ticket to Austria including everything is 1€. The one for Sophie 28€ and the ones for Tina and myself 29€. The same for the return flight with the only difference that then Emily will have to pay 28€ too.

For those interested this means we will be in Austria (Baden, most likely) from 20.12.2009 (21.12. for me) until 4.1.2010. We hope to go to Leoben and spend a few days in Altaussee as well to see some mountains.


Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Weekend trip and how we got LOST

We are LOST. Lat time we visited Shabnam and Walter they lured us into watching LOST, as a result we are now LOST. Thanks Shabnam and Walter :-)

Nevertheless, we managed to get away from the TV and went to Den Haag last weekend. We only made it to the beach at Scheveningen, but Sophie and Emily really liked it. They had a lot of fun in the sand and chasing waves. After everybody got wet we went to meet the Austrians Abroad. They had a party in a bowling center. It was nice and Sophie danced a lot to the music played by the Belgian band called Gipfelfreunde (?!?). I guess there will be images but I have to get them from Tina first.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Loser Gipfelbuch

Einst Sprach der Loser sehr galant
zur Nachbarin der Trisselwand
Ach kommen sie doch bitte,
heute Nacht in meine Hütte!
Die Trisselwand nicht ganz aus Stein
sie sagt nicht ja, sie sagt nicht nein,
sie färbt sich langsam rosa
und flüstert leis: "Du, Loser!"

Gefunden 2008 im Loser Gipfelbuch.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


We are making progress. Nearly all the boxes are gone from the flat and Tina and Sophie are close to opening their bottles of champagne to celebrate this. Today Sophie went on here first bicycle tour. Emily got a free ride on my bike but Sophie used her own bike to go to the Viermarken farm and visit the pony's on the way. 3km for her first tour -- not to bad.

Other things that have happened include a trip to Austria to not forget what mountains look like and how thin air feels. We went to Stubaital for a few days. We made two tours. The one brought us to the Senn Joch Hütte from the end station of Schlick2000. While the other one nearly brought us to the Franz Senn Hütte, but we stopped already at the Alpeineralm. In both cases Sophie got a ride their sleeping, but walked back both times (40 min and 1.5 hours).

Pictures will follow as soon I get hold of them, hopefully together with some older images that still need to be transfered from the old homepage.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


At least there is a second entry!!

We took a break from unpacking boxes and assembling IKEA furniture. There are several free children farms in Enschede (no they don't farm children there) and we walked (very untypical we should have used bikes) to the closest one, just 25 minutes from us. The entry is free and it used to be a wonderland for Sophie and Emily. Dozens of chickens and other birds, goats, pigs, cows, lamas, .... Finaly Sophie and Emily watched Pippi Langstrumpf (Langzumpf as Emily chosses to say) before going to bed at 22:00. Tina is happy that the internet works and will update facebook every 5 minutes from now ;-)

Hope that we are done with unpacking soon and can welcome the first visitors. However, no matter how is first, they should make sure to bring some Steirerkas otherwise Emily will not open the door as she seems to be addicted to it.



PS: A few snapshots can be found in the webalbum (on the left)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In the beginning

Everything has to start at some point and so does this.

This is the usual first and boring entry. This should replace the completely outdated website, which will go off line soon because I am not in Leoben anymore. We moved to Enschede, Netherlands and will stay here for at least three years. Of course everybody is invited to come and visit us here in the flatlands.

For the moment that is all. Hopefully there will be updates soon again when I have the key for the flat and the rest of the family has arrived.